Well this week we started CRDT (control, restrain, defensive tactics). It has been so awesome so far. I have learned so many new things that before this week I never thought about. The insructors told us last week that we were gonna be feeling pretty sore by the end of this week. So far I've been able to handle it pretty well. Its been a lot more high impact things tha anything else.
Monday we learned the basic principles of a defensive stance and ways of moving defensively around an aggressor. They taught us things where to bring our hands when we begin to defend ourselves. We learned the different zones around a person and which ones to stay out of. The most physically challenging part was the break falls. Learning how to fall properly so you dont get hurt is actually harder than you think. And when your falling on concrete, you want to make sure your doing it properly. At first I watched the instructors do it and thought no way is that gonna work. Step by step they showed us how to fall backwards and not bust our "coconut" and and make it explode like a "watermelon" on the floor, and little by little it became evident that it works. Those were the words that the instructors chose to represent our heads. By the end of the day my butt was killing me from doing close to 100 falls backwards. Even though they teach you the proper way to roll when going back, that initial impact is what gets ya. But, I'd rather my butt hurt a little than my head hurt a lot.
Today we got a little further into the training. We learned some basic first aid which I knew fairly well from my last job. After that we were back in the workout room beating ourselves up. We learned how to break a fall while falling forward today. It goes against basic instincts to let yourself fall forward. At first it was difficult to make myself do it. For those in the class that are large and in charge....I can't even imagine what they were thinking. After several attempts and a slight headache later, I was able to, break my fall correctly while falling forward and felt comfortable doing it.
The next thing we learned were the proper blocking techniques that should be used when someone is attacking. Prior to this class I had never really thought about things like this. I thought when your in a fight, you are just supposed to fight and that's it (yeah I haven't been any fights...call me lucky I guess). Who knew there were that many blocks and ways of avoiding your opponent. Now that I ;earned them though I'm gonna make sure that I don't forget them.
Lastly we learned a few ways of making someone comply with only minimal force. The first way is whats called the mandibular angle. Let me just tell you... if done right, it hurts like hell! It will bring a grown man to his knees in a split second. It wouldn't take me but half a second of that pain before I did anything someone asked of me. The second one we learned which was for a more aggressive person actually had no effect at all on me. The Jugular Notch as it is called had no effect. There is a ittle hole above your breastbone and if you use sudden pressure on that spot while pulling the aggressors head down its excruciating pain....for me it just felt like a little pressure. Me and one other guy were the only two that it didn't effect. Seeing how everyone else dropped to their knees immediately, I'm kinda glad it didn't work.
Its been a great week so far. Hopefully the week will continue to be the same way until Friday when we have baton training.
Great blog enjoyed reading!