Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The past couple weeks a lot has happened at NCI. Two weeks ago, Hurricane Irene hit the east coast and damaged several prison facilities on the NC coast. One of the facilities hit was Pamlico Correctional. They suffered damage to several of the roofs. Well since I'm relatively new with the DOC and haven't worked through hurricane season until now, I didn't realize that they evacuate the prisons near the coast as the hurricanes come close. Well the weekend of Irene, I was in Bristol instead of working so I wasn't there when they brought in 100 inmates from Pamlico and stuck them in the gymnasium to sleep on the floor. NCI is already over crowded as it is. There is only supposed to be 680 or so inmates at the camp. On a normal day we have 980. Now we have over 1080 inmates at NCI. Since the guys from Pamlico are staying in the gym, they finally got bunks to sleep on, they have to send them 8 at a time into the blocks of the 4 units to get showers and make phone calls. What they really dont like is that to get it all done faster, we make them go into the showers 2 at a time. Right off the bat we were told if they refuse to go in with another guy, no shower for them. Its kinda a sticky situation because we have to shut down the showers for our normal inmates so these new guys can get in and get out quicker. Its been kinda hectic the first few days getting these guys in and out. On certain days there is a lot going on already with clothes exchange, canteen call, medication call and other stuff. Now we are having to add in the task of getting these guys in and out of the block as quick as possible. It definitely adds a whole new level of stress if you let it.

In other news, I start basic training in a couple weeks. Its gonna be a month long all during the day. Im definitely looking forward to that.

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