Its been a few months since my last post and a lot has gone on. There are so many things that I have learned while working at the prison. My attitude toward so many things has changed. Some for the better and some for the worse. After having a glimpse into the prison system, it makes you see things in a whole new light. You see things that people on the outside will never see, therefore never understand.
The inmates get free education while they are locked up. By free, I mean that you and I pay for them to get an Associates degree in whatever they want while they are locked up. Even with it being free, they still find a reason to complain. I had an inmate complain a few months ago that when he tried to go for his third, yes HIS THIRD degree while in prison, he was mad that it was so difficult to get into the program cause it was in high demand. Are you freaking kidding me? Were paying for these guys to go to school, get an education and yet they still find a reason to complain. They get it for free, while I had to spend $30k on mine. It just makes me sick to see and hear how they act about things like that. Its the same way when it comes to them getting medical attention for their petty problems. They will claim a "medical emergency" for the most childish of problems. But, it only costs them $7 so why do they care. And if they don't have the money, the state just keeps a running tab on them so when they eventually get out they can get their money back. I just find it unbelievable how easy they have it yet they find it easier to complain. Some of them have legitimate reasons to see the nurse, doctor, etc. but for every legitimate one there are 10 that are just plain stupid.
The amount of contraband that comes in to the facility is absolutely crazy! Since i have been there, they have found 10 cell phones or more, hundreds of cigarettes, pot and cash. Almost all of it is being brought in by the officers looking for some quick cash. I just don't understand why someone would risk their career and even jail time to help these inmates get this stuff. One of the inmates actually had a phone with Internet, started a Facebook page and had posted pictures of himself in his cell and around the prison! Are you freaking kidding me! But I guess the officers that bring that stuff in just don't care. Oh well, its their job they are risking...not mine. I know I'm clean and that's how I'm gonna keep it.
I have been at the prison now for 7 months. The respect that I'm getting from some of the inmates is something I never expected. At our last Unit meeting, our Unit Manager made it known to everyone how they had no worries about me because all the inmates hated me and the way that I ran my blocks. I make the inmates follow the rules that the lazy officers never do. Not because I like being in charge, but because that is my job and I'm gonna do it to the best of my ability. When i talk about the respect that I'm getting, here is what i mean. In the past 2 months, I have several inmates come up and get in my face, cussing, yelling and being completely pissed off at me because of something that has happened whether it was my fault or not. In each of the instances, the inmates came up to me either later that night or the next time I work and apologized for the way that they acted and the things they said. This has taken me completely by surprise. Its just not something I expected to happen. The inmates are finally beginning to realize that I'm being exactly the same to everyone and my attitude is consistent every day that I work. The first thing they tell you when your in training is to be firm, fair and consistent. I do my best to be all three. When I come to work, i leave all my personal feelings and drama at the gatehouse. When i leave, i leave all the prison drama at the gatehouse. The inmates know how I am gonna respond to things they say or do. and they respect that. They may not like it, but they know I'm gonna do my job.
The people i work with also has its own challenges from time to time. Some people i work with are awesome, some not so much. At the end of the day though, they are wearing blue just like I am. No matter what is going on to make me mad I still have to have their back if they need me and the same goes for them if i need them. There have been a few times that this has been questioned. No matter where you work there is always gonna be people that you don't get along with at work and the prison is no different. When you work with the same 4 people for 12 hours on a regular basis, you find each others weaknesses, strengths and things that can aggravate the crap outta you. Like every job, your coworkers are gonna gossip and talk crap about you to one another. This job is no different. The good thing about the prison is the speaker/intercom system in the Unit. You can hear it all. I've never been one to bite my tongue if something bothers me, and ill speak my mind in a heartbeat. And working here is no different. Though my coworkers may hate that I tell them how it is, they will always know exactly where I stand on something. And from the way they act when I say these things, I can tell they aren't used to having someone speak their mind without reservations.
According to several people, the month of August should be my month for going to training. Ill be so ready for it when the time comes. A Mon-Fri work week and only during the day. Its gonna be so nice. After working nights for 7 months it starts to take a toll on ya but that's life. I'm not gonna complain cause there are plenty of people who would be glad to take my place. During training I'll get handgun, shotgun and rifle training as well as hand to hand combat and baton training. Should be a good month...not to mention ill get lots of OT that month.
To sum it all up, I love my job. The schedule is awesome and I enjoy what I do. I'm not necessarily making a difference but I like it.
Personal/private to you: I believe YOU do make a difference. I know you are important to your family also! I'm Jessi's aunt (and Mike & Holden & Nora!!!), her dad's sister, Beth. I enjoy reading your blog and admire your work.